Thursday, October 10, 2024

Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 10 | OCTOBER 7, 2024 test


VOL. 3, NO. 10  |  OCTOBER 7, 2024
Frederick City and County News of Interest

Please join our monthly email list by clicking here.
Learn more about CRG at the bottom of this newsletter.

For quick access, click on a title here and jump to that article, below:

  1. City: NAC Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations
  2. City: Brickworks Update
  3. City: Charter Review Update
  4. City: Odd Fellows Hall Update
  5. City: Worman’s Mill Court Apartments
  6. City: Winchester Property Demolition: 127 E. 6th Street
  7. County: Temporary Building Moratorium
  8. County: Revisions to its Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) Requirements
  9. County: IWW Meetings: Rezoning for Industry & Commercial Businesses
  10. County: Transmission Lines
  11. Upcoming Meetings and Events


City: NAC Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations
An adhoc committee of volunteers, appointed by Mayor O’Connor last year, submitted their report in September 2023 containing recommendations to guide the Board of Aldermen as it arrives at consensus for changes to the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) Resolution, last amended in 2012.  The Mayor and Board of Aldermen (M&B) considered these recommendations at their September 5, 2024 workshop.

Charged with proposing changes to revitalize the NACs and allow the board to develop consensus, ad hoc committee members addressed what they considered to be key issues for consideration. (A side note: It was determined at the beginning of the Sept. 5 workshop that the Mayor and Board had not received the red-lined Committee Report, and thus were not as prepared to be responsive to recommendations as had been anticipated.) Nonetheless, presenters moved forward, noting that their recommendations are based on extensive research into the organization, policies, and practices of 60 NAC-like municipal entities around the country and through discussions with numerous City residents.

Foremost among the issues is the sense — among residents — that communication between City administrators/staff/elected officials and the community at large is neither robust nor a dialogue, but rather a one-way information highway — from the City to the residents. To change that, the committee recommended an increase in two-way interaction via establishment of a Liaison Board (one representative from each NAC) that would meet quarterly with elected officials and City staff to share issues and concerns that cut across NACs. This recommendation generated more than an hour-long discussion culminating in an informal consensus among Alderpersons that the liaison board inserts an additional layer of “bureaucracy” between the grass-roots NACs and elected officials. Moreover, Alderpersons noted the provision for NAC–City meetings in the previous Resolution and asserted those could/should be reinstated as these meetings (perhaps once or twice/year) were, and would be, an effective means of two-way dialogue.

Other recommendations briefly discussed included the stage at which a developer–NAC meeting should be held (i.e., prior to or after preliminary approval for a development project); special meetings; number of NACs; encouragement of/support for social gatherings at the local NAC level; review frequency for the NAC Resolution; clarity regarding responsibilities of NAC members and City officials in terms of encouraging broader NAC engagement, etc. Agreement was reached that the City Attorney would draft an Ordinance (to replace a NAC Resolution) based on the discussion and sense of the Board as expressed at the workshop which would be circulated among Alderpersons for red-lining and further discussion. No date was set for this process. 

City Brickworks Update
On September 16 the Brickworks project was discussed at the City Planning Commission, including sub-division, parkland, and forest conservation plan. Additionally, public comment sought updates on a possible urban school on the site as well as status of the site cleanup under MDE’s Voluntary Cleanup Program. The developer is in discussion with the FCPS on options for a school on the property, and a cleanup plan has not been finalized for the known contaminants common to the property. Stay tuned as the eventual development will be THE gateway to the City, providing a first impression of our historic urban area.

City Charter Review Update
It appears the many hours/weeks/months of effort expended by the Charter Review committee have paid off. At its September 21 Mayor & Board public meeting, all but one recommendation of the committee was approved, with some minor text changes inserted in several recommendations.

Among the more controversial issues were term limits, non-affiliated voters eligible to vote in primaries, and non-citizen voting in municipal elections. Ultimately, two of these three were approved and one was removed from consideration:

Term limits — Alderpersons voted to approve limits of 3 consecutive terms for council members and two for mayor, with possibility of a future candidacy after a term had elapsed since the individual’s prior term. Three alderpersons voted in favor of term limits, with two opposed.

Non-citizen voting — Several residents spoke in favor of this recommendation with two in opposition and a third strongly urging the legislators to put “guard rails” around this provision to assure non-citizen voting did not get out of hand. The final vote was 4–1 in favor.

Non-party affiliated voters — A legal opinion by the City Attorney indicated that there is no “legal way forward” for such a provision. Based on that opinion, the Board voted 5-0 to not consider this recommendation.

The next step will be drafting ordinances to transfer from the City Charter to the City Code, where necessary, approved recommendations.
City: Odd Fellows Hall Update
Having previously received Level 1 approval for several multi-family buildings, townhouses, and various amenities, the developer of Odd Fellows Hall returned to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to request a modification of that approval. The purpose of the modification is to allow increased density via an additional multi-family building along the northern property boundary. During the lengthy discussion at the September 19 HPC workshop, staff expressed concern about the requested modification, primarily regarding the massive size of the multi-family buildings and loss of green space. Earlier (approved) plans featured three multi-family buildings lining the northern perimeter, with green space fronting the buildings. The proposed revision features four buildings — though appearing as two due to the hyphenated structure (i.e., connecting two buildings with an inset section narrower and slightly lower than the two buildings) — with no green area between surface parking and building fronts. Commissioners suggested a return to the three (smaller) multi-family building approach and the developer will reconfigure the plans. Stay tuned!

City: Worman’s Mill Court Apartments
Mayor and Board approval of rezoning and the master plan for the proposed affordable Worman’s Mill Court Apartments (off N. Market St. and opposite the Clemson Corner Shopping Center) was granted. Additionally, the on-site afforestation/reforestation requirement was dropped in exchange for a >$1.1M contribution for an extended rails with trails connection across Rte. 26. Upon approval of the zoning change, the Board briefly discussed and then approved (3–1) the Master Plan for the project. CRG is in a dilemma: We definitely support more affordable housing but segregating lower income residents in a property with limited traffic access and reduced tree canopy and habitat provide less than ideal quality of life attributes for future residents of the property.

City: Winchester Property Demolition: 127 E. 6th Street
There has been a delay in the HPC discussion of the proposed demolition of the historic Winchester site, 127 E. 6th Street. The Demolition Application (Case HPC24-702) is now scheduled for the October 24 HPC meeting. Written comments and other help to support preservation of this treasured site are still needed. Please contact Jim Wagner (240-586-1215, for more information — any and all help in the preservation effort is appreciated.

County: Temporary Building Moratorium
On October 1, the County Council voted 5–1 to reject a proposed temporary 2-year building moratorium that had been proposed by Councilman McKay. The moratorium would have been automatically implemented if projected student numbers for a new residential subdivision plat exceeded 120% of state projected school capacity 5 years after plat receipt, or if issued residential building permits would result in 175% or more of state projected school capacities over 5 years following proposed construction.

An example of the dire overcrowded conditions is the Oakdale Elementary School. The current state rated capacity for the school is 707 students; there are currently over 1200 students in the school. It has no additional land for more portable classrooms. Preparations are now underway to use land for a proposed library across the street from the school to be used as a playground next year so that more portables can be placed on school grounds.

The legislation was opposed by developers, builders, and people working in the building and related industries. People supporting the legislation were teachers and parents that might be impacted by the legislation. 

Some of the reasons Council members opposed the legislation include: The legislation would not meet its intended purpose of slowing growth in a greatly over-capacity school area; municipalities would not be covered; the legislation might delay or jeopardize the middle school land and infrastructure improvements to be provided by the Gordon Mill developer; growth of the County commercial tax base would be delayed; it would send the wrong message to businesses considering coming into the County; constituents in the building trades would experience financial difficulty; overcrowding issues that have always been an issue in the County schools would remain; expensive lawsuits by permitted developers would likely arise; and increased housing does not necessarily lead to overcrowded schools.

Let’s hope that the County Executive’s 4% property tax increase specifically designated for school construction provides the needed 25 County schools as soon as possible.

County: Revisions to its Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) Requirements
On October 1, the County Council convened a first reading of legislation to revise the current County guidelines that require construction of affordable housing in large new developments (12.5% is required), or payment of fee-in-lieu funds to avoid construction of such housing. ( Stay tuned for additional Council discussions that will ideally lead to actual construction of MPDUs.

County: IWW Meetings — Rezoning for Industry and Commercial Businesses
The County has recently convened 3 public meetings to discuss the outcomes of multiple County Executive-appointed Investing in Workers and Workplaces (IWW) Advisory Group meetings, which were convened to identify possible County areas for development/redevelopment of industrial and biotech businesses to increase County revenues. Rezoning to support such development includes four municipalities (City of Frederick, Brunswick, Thurmont, and New Market) and three general areas (Jefferson Tech Park-Mt. Zion Road, Urbana Corridors, and the area surrounding the Eastalco site).

However, considerable public backlash has resulted, beginning with the fact that residents represented only 4 of the 14 members of the County Executive’s IWW Advisory Group, with principal concerns focusing on loss of prized agricultural and forested lands to accommodate the proposed new industries, as well as considerations of future sources of water and power infrastructure for any new large businesses (e.g., would there be a need for a second transmission line in addition to the current MPRP [Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project] line now proposed for data centers in N. Virginia and eventually the Eastalco site near Adamstown?).

From the perspective of many residents, before consideration of the IWW Plan, the first step should be completion of the County’s Green Infrastructure Plan (a high priority in the 2019 Livable Frederick Master Plan) which would identify County areas to be protected for agriculture, contiguous forest corridors, areas critical for water percolation and groundwater supplies to County streams and creeks, and carbon sequestration to reduce County emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). GHGs lead to excessive summer temperatures, major storms and lengthy extreme droughts, and threats to public health due to poor air quality.

The Green Infrastructure Plan guidance would then be followed by industrial area planning, and not the other way around. Additionally, within the IWW initial mapping, there appears to be an expansion of MD Route 80 into a corridor that would connect with Route 15 by crossing land in agriculture preservation, a first in the state. CRG strongly encourages much more complete presentation of reasons for selection of these development areas, and inclusion of property owners and neighbors in all future deliberations of sites for rezoning. This should be accompanied by completion of the Green Infrastructure Plan that would then inform where rezoning might or might not occur.  

County: Transmission Lines
Where to begin? The proposed Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project (MPRP) to construct new power lines from Baltimore County through Carroll to southwest Frederick County — leading to loss of private properties, businesses and employment, agriculture preservation lands, and ‘green’ treasured areas — is still in play. This is in spite of Senator Cardin’s strong opposition to the current approach (requested by CRG in a letter to the senator approximately 1 month ago) as well as reluctance of County officials to endorse the project.

The Office of the People’s Counsel is challenging the project, as well, as a unnecessary/unjustified construction project whose costs would largely be assigned to ratepayers. Further, a formal complaint of unfair cost transfers to residents has been lodged by Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Public Citizen, Sustainable FERC Project, and the Union of Concerned Scientists to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( As noted in the IWW section above, should the new County-identified areas for industrial and commercial development be established, construction of another transmission line may be necessary, jeopardizing other properties throughout the area. CRG and many other groups and individuals strongly encourage a restart of the entire process, including better decisions about where power is truly needed; how it might be delivered if a need exists; whether industrial users pay vs. deferring costs to residents; and projections of power demand in the next decades.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

October 8, 5:30 pm, Winchester Hall, Frederick MD, County Council Workshop: Discussion of data center regulation and “Floating Zones for Data centers”, the latter a mechanism to permit land rezoned from agriculture to industrial to allow data centers.
October 9, 9 am and 1 pm respectively, City Hall: Legislative priorities meeting and work session with Frederick County delegation.

October 9, 6 pm, Oakdale High School Auditorium: County Executive Fitzwater will convene a community meeting on the proposed Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project. The Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), which is managing the project, will have representatives at the meeting to present information and answer questions. FCG TV will record the meeting, which will be available in the video archive at

October 16, 6 pm, Carroll Manor Elementary School Cafeteria, 5624 Adamstown Road, Adamstown, MD: A public information meeting to discuss the application and permit review process for MDE Air and Radiation Administration permit for proposed IAD04 data center facility including the installation of 168 emergency diesel generators and 4 more high powered emergency generators. The IAD04 data center facility will be located at the Quantum Loophole campus at 5601 Manor Woods Road, Frederick, MD.

See the CRG blog at:

Contributors: P. Gallagher, R. Huber, M. Rosensweig, K. Sellner, J. Wagner

CRG is a grassroots coalition of Frederick residents who prioritize responsible growth, expanding infrastructure, and a functional natural environment. We advocate for development that accommodates projected population increases while fostering a strong and diverse community fabric and increasing economic opportunities. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes public safety, traffic mitigation, increasing school capacity, and housing for all members of our community.

Many Frederick residents want to know — but cannot find — information about how to participate in discussions of important local issues. The City and County generally hold meetings from 3–10 p.m., making it impossible for most of us to attend meetings or weigh in on issues of interest. Our mission with this monthly newsletter is to highlight City and County activities so you can learn more and, with your limited time, weigh in on areas of growth and development, City and County policies, and other local activities. Occasionally, opinions or longer stories will be offered by knowledgeable experts/readers. We welcome suggestions for articles focused on specific topics. Contact Kevin Sellner (, Marge Rosensweig (, or Steve Jakubczyk ( for consideration of your issue.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 9 | SEPTEMBER 11, 2024


VOL. 3, NO. 9  |  SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
Frederick City and County News of Interest

Please join our monthly email list by clicking here.
Learn more about CRG at the bottom of this newsletter.

For quick access, click on a title here and jump to that article, below:

  1. City: Winchester Property Preservation Coalition
  2. City Charter Review
  3. City Planning Commission
  4. City: Galleria Project
  5. City: Wormans Mill Court Apartments Project
  6. City Workshop: Ad Hoc Neighborhood Engagement & NAC Committee
  7. City: North Market Street Liquor License Concern
  8. City: Composting Program
  9. County: Development Moratorium Ordinance
  10. County: Data Center Update: Bauxite Project for Rowan Data Centers
  11. County: Data Centers — MD Tech Council’s Data Center Summit
  12. Cross-County Transmission Line Project (MPRP)
  13. County: Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan
  14. Upcoming Meetings & Events

City: Winchester Property Preservation Coalition’s effort to save an historic City apartment house and grounds — Help save the site!
A preliminary plan for a 0.6 acre property at 127 E. 6th Street, Frederick, calls for the demolition of a historic house and barn and the building of eight high-end townhomes. The house currently serves as 3 affordable apartment units. Civil War Major Benjamin Franklin (B.F.) Winchester and his family acquired this long-time agricultural property in the 1860s, their homestead until B.F.’s passing in 1895. B.F. Winchester and his brother Hiram were leaders in Frederick, starting with the founding of the Frederick Female Seminary by Hiram in the 1840s and B.F.'s service there as a mathematics teacher. The school would later be renamed “Winchester Hall,” and become the seat of Frederick County government. B.F. Winchester was an educator, a quartermaster in the Union Army, a Frederick Alderman and Council member, and a market gardener, but he is most noted for his brick manufacturing business. Many noteworthy Frederick institutions, including the old City Hall at 124 N. Market Street (now Brewer's Alley), Montevue Home, and Maryland School for the Deaf were at least partly constructed with his bricks.

The applications to demolish Winchester’s former property's house and barn and to replace them with the townhomes have been submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) for review. The applications and City staff report are available online Friday, September 6 via this 
link. Readers are encouraged to submit written comments to staff Christina Martinkosky and/or Tanzi Crayton for consideration by HPC members. This may be the sole opportunity for public comment on the demolition. Additionally, readers are encouraged to attend both the property Site Visit announced here, scheduled for Thursday, September 12 at 4:45 PM, as well as the Demolition Workshop at the 6 PM HPC meeting. Please touch base with Jim Wagner ( or 240-586-1215) with questions. Demolition and development here are misguided, removing affordable housing and destroying a historically contributing resource. Given B.F. Winchester's many contributions to his City and country, and the long history of the house, the site is worthy of the HPC's "unusual importance" label. You can help in saving the site!

City Charter Review
On August 28, the Board of Aldermen continued review of the December 2023 recommendations to the City Charter proposed by the mayor-appointed Charter Review Committee. After considerable discussion, a final list of staff-paraphrased recommendations will be voted on in a September 19 meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Many of the recommendations could be included in the 2025 City election for voter approval. Accordingly, it is VERY IMPORTANT that residents provide input as the final wording will decide the future of City government and rules that impact ALL residents. Once posted, CRG will distribute a list of the proposed changes for review and comment.

City Planning Commission
On August 12, the Planning Commission (PC) agreed on final site plans for the B&O townhomes project and the downtown hotel and conference center. The latter included modified ingress/egress into and out of the center to try to minimize large truck traffic. The issue of congestion arising from the center on S. Carroll Street as well as E. Patrick, East, and E. All Saints Streets was not raised, to the surprise of many residents. CRG had encouraged a more thorough review and potential conditions for future traffic surrounding the center property as well as less modern designs for both projects, but the HPC and the PC accepted proposed designs for the two developments.

City: Galleria Project
The HPC agreed that massing, height, size, and design of the multi-story, multi-building Galleria project proposed for 107 E. All Saints Street bordering Carroll Creek has met Level I requirements for the project to move forward. The design incorporates buildings ranging in height from that of the 3-story Delaplaine to 7 stories backing on the City Garage on All Saints Street. The Carroll Creek-facing first story will be retail. Although CRG urged a less modern design, the HPC members praised the developers’ efforts and a Level II review (façade, materials, fenestration) will be scheduled soon. This large complex will also dramatically impact the traffic congestion addressed in the item above.

City: Wormans Mill Court Apartments Project
On September 5, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen (BoA) discussed rezoning of the Wormans Mill Court Apartments property off Rtes. 15 and 26 opposite Clemson Corner. This development is a complex of 315 units built as ‘affordable’ — the developer's lawyer asserted that $142,000 is 60% of AMI for a family of 4 and that this family could thus qualify for an 'affordable' unit in this complex. It is unclear whether all, or 12.5%, of the units (39) will be built for individuals or families earning less than 60% AMI, as moderately priced dwelling units (MPDUs). The BoA agreed to the rezoning request that would enable residential construction with several conditions, including afforestation, to which the applicant stated that requirement might result in a loss of 50% of the units and make the project financially impractical. Although CRG strongly supports construction of affordable housing, it does agree with the BoA applied conditions. The applicant has 90 days to decide whether to accept or reject the City’s limitations.

City Workshop: Ad Hoc Neighborhood Engagement & NAC Committee
After nearly 15 months, the mayor and Board of Aldermen (BoA) convened a September 4 workshop, the first since completion of the mayor-appointed commission report, to discuss proposed changes to the current resolution outlining the structure and roles of City Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs, NACs were established in 2002 as a City-defined mechanism to increase resident input to City officials and staff. Following substantial pushback on the commission’s recommendations on 1) the most useful and fruitful method for two-way dialog between the NACs and the BoA and mayor and 2) a request that, where a building application has been received for construction in a NAC, that particular NAC be notified on receipt of the application to encourage neighborhood-developer dialog prior to any application approvals. The BoA indicated it would ‘red line’ the proposed recommendations on portions of the recommendations to keep or reject. It appears the ‘status quo’ for the NACs, with small tweaks, may remain in place — disappointing, considering minimal feedback our elected officials provided to these councils in the past several years.

City: North Market Street Liquor License Concern
An application for a “One Day Promoter Event” was submitted and reviewed by the Frederick County Liquor Board (FCLB) on September 9. The applicant sought a Class C special Promoter’s License to use Carmen's Market to sell alcoholic beverages on three weekend occasions in late October/early November. The applicant’s submission was withdrawn when the Board members found multiple incomplete sections of the request. The applicant can re-apply if he can provide specifics required in the regulations.
This case is a major concern. The property has been listed on the City’s Vacant Property Registration for the past 18 months. At the September 9 FCLB meeting, residents and business owners in surrounding homes and storefronts presented multiple objections based on the property’s previous history of unauthorized 2–3 AM drinking parties in or behind the store, disruptions and violence on N. Market Street associated with the previous business, and the number of patrons to be served. Stay tuned for updates!

City: Composting Program
On September 18, Jenny Willoughby, City Sustainability Manager, will present data and recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen regarding the City's ongoing Composting Pilot program, in which residents who receive trash pick-up within the City can also have a bucket of organic/food waste picked up on "trash day." This service is currently free for City residents. More information about the program is available here:

City leaders are considering funding for the composting program in the 2025 budget, and residents' input could make a big difference. Use the September 18 meeting e-comment feature, or send a comment by email. Let your elected leaders know:
  • What do you enjoy about the composting program? 
  • What improvements would you like to see? 
  • How should the city expand or enhance the program? 

County: Development Moratorium Ordinance
On August 21, the proposed ordinance for a temporary residential building moratorium based on school capacity was discussed at the County Planning Commission. In a 3–3 vote, the Commission members did not support the proposed moratorium that would temporarily stop residential construction in areas where school capacity exceeded either 120% and 175% capacity, respectively.  As a quasi-judicial meeting, no recommendation was submitted to the County Council for its workshop that followed on August 27. The County Council deliberated for some time with no clear indication of Council member acceptance or rejection of the proposal. Stay tuned as this is a major decision for future residential construction in County areas with severely overcrowded schools!

Link to view the Council meeting discussion of the Development Moratorium bill:
Go to 1:10 on the slider at the bottom.

County: Data Center Update: Bauxite Project for Rowan Data Centers
On August 14, the Planning Commission accepted the application for construction of the Doubs sub-station and power lines for the Rowan data center on the Quantum Loophole property near Adamstown. As the first project for the QL campus, this is the first step in ensuring power supply to the many data centers likely for the 2100-acre Eastalco site. Interestingly, the Bauxite-Rowan application indicated that there was existing adequate power already delivered to the proposed sub-station with no additional power needed from the proposed PSEG transmission line currently under review (see below). This first step in development is only the beginning.

CRG hopes that the County Executive will quickly submit a revised Critical Data Infrastructure (CDI) Ordinance that was informed by her assembled Data Center Work Group’s recommendations over 2 months ago, as well as input from numerous organizations and individuals. Without a revision to the current CDI Ordinance, all future applications for data centers will be ‘grandfathered’ to the weak requirements of the current regulations, jeopardizing net revenue collections, power and water allocations, stormwater damage to adjacent properties, wells, and creeks, soil contamination from hazardous spills, greenhouse gas limits, and noise impacts on nearby residents.

County: Data Centers — MD Tech Council’s Data Center Summit
The MD Tech Council hosted the first Data Center Summit at Frederick Community College on August 29, with approximately 340 attendees. The Summit included a keynote address, 5 panels, and a lunch fireside chat over the day-long event. The Summit provided background, current, and future information on data centers proposed for the Eastalco site near Adamstown, including efforts to ameliorate visual and noise issues, power options, expected exponentially growing technologies of the future, and employment in the area. CRG will soon post a summary of the conference, derived from comments of presenters, with possible implications and concerns our members have from comments made by the Summit's invited speakers.

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Summit to make the connection between data centers and the tremendous increases in the need for power and water they bring to communities in which they're built. Some were asking for a pause on data center development in Frederick County until strong ordinances are in place to regulate the industry.

This is a huge issue for County residents in the next several years, so STAY INFORMED.

FNP article:

Cross-County Transmission Line Project (MPRP)
Residents and several elected officials have voiced concerns over the proposed transmission line project from Baltimore County, through Carroll, and ending at the Doubs sub-station in SW Frederick County. Six public meetings have been held with the contractor, the Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), to urge, at a minimum, use of existing rights of way (ROW) and question why any additional transmission line construction is needed when the company admits the power will serve data centers in N. Virginia. The threats of property loss through eminent domain seizures, property damage to existing farms and businesses, employment losses for those businesses, and potential negative consequences in businesses relying on agritourism or landscaping underlie resident concerns. CRG and the Fellowship of Scientists and Engineers have reached out to federal officials to urge their possible intervention with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to encourage using the existing ROW as well as use of existing power line towers, underground burial, microgrids, or proposed routes from other states as viable and preferred alternatives to the new routes in the PSEG proposal. The Carroll County Council has objected to the plan and on September 4, the Frederick County Council and County Executive drafted similar objections to be sent to MD’s Public Service Commission encouraging re-examination of routes and estimated power needs.

County Executive Fitzwater will hold a public forum to discuss the MPRP on October 9. Details below.

Additional concerns about costs to residents and local businesses

Preliminary estimates from construction of the proposed transmission lines and delivery to and use of electricity in N. Virginia data centers suggest huge monthly increases in fees to every Frederick County Potomac Edison customer, an unfair outcome as residents and current businesses should not have to assume >90% of the $424M costs to provide power to data centers. Similarly, of the $33M estimated for delivering power to the Rowan data center from the switching station at the Eastalco site, Rowan is only picking up $2.17M. Who pays the rest? The FirstEnergy representative stated, “the $27.3 million for construction of the switching station will be considered ‘network costs’ because they provide ‘network benefits’ the company will seek to recover through transmission rates”, i.e., current residents and businesses.

NO! CRG believes that cost allocation should be assessed based on a “those that use more, pay more” calculation.

County: Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan
The Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan is a joint initiative of the Livable Frederick Planning and Design Office and the Frederick County Division of Economic Opportunity. 
According to the County website, the plan seeks to "increase land designated for targeted economic opportunity uses through the review of select growth areas and current land use designations." There is concern among County residents that conservation and preservation area designations will be overturned in favor of commercial or residential development, including opening more land for data center developments.
Livable Frederick and Economic Opportunity staff will host initial outreach meetings for this plan in the coming weeks. It's important to attend at least one meeting to learn what is being planned, and to voice your opinions.
Meetings will be held at the County’s Prospect Center as listed below. The County has indicated that all meetings will contain the same information.
If you have questions about the plan or upcoming meetings, please contact Denis Superczynski, Livable Frederick Planning Manager by calling 301-600-1142 or emailing More info on the County website:

Upcoming Meetings & Events

City HPC Meeting, Thursday, September 12, City Hall, 6 PM: First discussion of in-fill development at 127 E. 6th St., home of historically important B.F. Winchester and the Winchester family and businesses.
City Workshop, Wednesday, September 18, City Hall, 3 PM: Presentation of findings on the City Composting Pilot program.
City Meeting, Thursday, September 19, City Hall, 6 PM: Decisions on final Charter Review recommendations

County Executive's Community Meeting on MPRP, Wednesday, October 9, 6 PM, Oakdale High School auditorium: Representatives of PSEG will attend the meeting to present information and answer questions from the public.
County: Investing in Workers and Workplaces Plan Meetings, Prospect Center, 585 Himes Avenue in Frederick. Three sessions:

   Thursday, September 19, 6–8 PM
September 25, 2–4 PM
   Wednesday, October 2, 6–8 PM

See the CRG blog at:

Contributors: P. Gallagher, S. Jakubczyk, R. Robey, M. Rosensweig, K. Sellner, J. Wagner

CRG is a grassroots coalition of Frederick residents who prioritize responsible growth, expanding infrastructure, and a functional natural environment. We advocate for development that accommodates projected population increases while fostering a strong and diverse community fabric and increasing economic opportunities. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes public safety, traffic mitigation, increasing school capacity, and housing for all members of our community.

Many Frederick residents want to know — but cannot find — information about how to participate in discussions of important local issues. The City and County generally hold meetings from 3–10 p.m., making it impossible for most of us to attend meetings or weigh in on issues of interest. Our mission with this monthly newsletter is to highlight City and County activities so you can learn more and, with your limited time, weigh in on areas of growth and development, City and County policies, and other local activities. Occasionally, opinions or longer stories will be offered by knowledgeable experts/readers. We welcome suggestions for articles focused on specific topics. Contact Kevin Sellner (, Marge Rosensweig (, or Steve Jakubczyk ( for consideration of your issue.
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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 8 | AUGUST 11, 2024

Frederick City and County News of Interest

VOL. 3, NO. 8  |  AUGUST 11, 2024

Please join our monthly email list by clicking here.
Learn more about CRG at the bottom of this newsletter.

For quick access, click on a title here and jump to that article, below:

  1. OUR PERSPECTIVE: New Construction in the City’s Historic District
  2. City: Pending Charter Review Vote
  3. City: Westside Update
  4. City: Free Curbside Composting Program
  5. County: Power Transmission Line
  6. County Schools: Moratorium and New School Construction Proposed by County Executive
  7. County: Solar Farms in County Agricultural Land
  8. Upcoming Meetings & Events

OUR PERSPECTIVE: New Construction in the City’s Historic District

For more than 5 years, even prior to the newsletter’s initial publication in 2021, CRG’s members have been committed to encouraging the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to protect the historical character and architecture of the City.

CRG routinely provides comment on proposed developments in the historic district and Carroll Creek Overlay (CCO) strongly suggesting the City follow its established 2009 and 2019 guidelines in review and adoption of proposed construction. From our perspective, the published guidelines for new construction have largely been ignored since the insertion of the word “contemporary” before “design” in the 2019 guidelines. This seemingly innocuous insertion has resulted in inconsistency replacing consistency with surrounding neighborhood character and architecture. “Modern” styles are now preferred and routinely adopted in HPC decisions, with architecture complementing surrounding historical buildings (also known as “contributing” in guideline parlance) minimized.

Examples abound with the most obvious Maxwell Mews on Maxwell Avenue, the Oddfellows property on N. Market Street, the Visitation Academy on Church and 2nd Streets, and the B&O townhouses behind the McCutcheon’s property. Other pending contemporary projects include the Galleria adjacent to the Delaplaine and the downtown hotel and conference center.

This shift in downtown design and architecture, in our opinion, threatens the recognized historical character of the City. However, it is apparent that CRG’s efforts to convince HPC members and City staff to protect Frederick’s unique identity are inconsequential and, hence, frustrating for CRG members as the City’s character changes. As a result, we are increasingly reluctant to provide comment and specific guideline text to HPC members to encourage Commission compliance with its own requirements.

Friends, please know our position on the “contemporizing” of downtown has not changed even though our public comment may have. We wonder, is it time for setting up review committees like the Charter Review Committee for the HPC’s guidelines as well as the broader Land Management Code that governs all new and renovated construction? Is there a need to make these two documents and their requirements more in line with the aspirational 2020 Comprehensive Plan, which currently has no legal standing? The latter document is routinely and continuously used for waiving specific requirements outlined in both the HPC guidelines and the LMC.

City: Pending Charter Review Vote
On July 25th, the Board of Aldermen and Mayor met with members of the mayor-appointed Charter Review Committee to discuss the 19 recommendations the committee had submitted to the Mayor and Board in December 2023. The committee members addressed specific questions from board members offered in previous meetings, as well as during the meeting of the 25th. It was agreed that City staff will complete and provide specific language for all 19 recommendations to the Board for a vote to accept or reject, with the unanimously accepted recommendations to be completed in the meeting on September 4th, and the remainder at the meeting of the 18th. As a result, by the end of September the status of each recommendation should be known — an important milestone for all recommendations, especially those recommendations that would be considered prior to and in the 2025 local election.

City: Westside Update
 On July 31st, the Board of Aldermen requested that the consultant hired by the Ausherman Family Foundation move forward with initial development plans for the Westside Regional Park. This first step would include a 24,000 sq. ft. Community Center, 2 multi-purpose fields, a 2,000 ft. bike/walking trail, and a Little League baseball field. When combined with the adjacent Sophie and Madigan playground, the relocation of the National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center, and the potential for development of affordable housing in the same corridor, it is very encouraging to see the utilization of this property the City has held since 2009 finally start to come to fruition!

The City has also begun the process of transferring the land currently known as Hillcrest Park to the County for construction of a 15,000 sq. ft. library. Because this transfer requires several steps, including public notice/input, an official vote to authorize is not expected until January 2025. It is important to note that the County has already allocated funding in their 2026 budget. CRG strongly supports these efforts for Westside residents!

City: Free Curbside Composting Program
The City of Frederick has a FREE pilot program for all City residents who receive trash pick up by the City. Put your organics in a bucket provided by Key City Compost and have it picked up weekly. Sign up here!

County: Power Transmission Line
Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSEG) has proposed several tracks for construction of 500 kV power lines from northern Baltimore County, through Carroll County to southwestern Frederick County. The company has held 3 public meetings for resident inspection and fact-finding for the proposed tracks, each drawing overflow attendance. Another meeting (PSEG Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project Public Forum) on July 31st was attended by more than 900 residents, the vast majority objecting to the proposed line locations that jeopardize local businesses and employees, homes, and valued and preserved agricultural land with no recourse for those on the impacted land.

The tracks would be new routes for power delivery from an unknown power generating station near Baltimore and are requested to meet greater power demand in the area. PSEG staff have been reluctant to state that the lines were for power needed for data centers in northern Virginia and southwestern Frederick County, but persistent queries by many residents has resulted in such acknowledgement. PSEG has chosen NOT to use the existing transmission line track and towers in the County and rather build an entirely new route, with little explanation.

PSEG has stated that a new route should be selected by late fall, potentially resulting in seizure of multiple private properties through eminent domain — unacceptable to many residents who have built their permanent homes, commercial firms, and livelihoods there. In a recent request, PSEG seeks near autonomy on their decision process, countered by strong opposition from Maryland’s Office of People's Counsel, Sierra Club, and multiple local organizations (e.g., The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has also weighed in with a specific request for a 20-year power plan that would explain the long-range power supply process by the company, a process the company has avoided for the past 2 decades.

Without thorough vetting of power needs (and for whom), routes, use of existing routes, power generators, and costs to residents, CRG strongly supports community resistance to this rapid demand for property access and power delivery for northern Virginia data centers. CRG encourages all residents to participate in scheduled meetings with the company, officials, and other interested organizations.

See information about upcoming meetings below.

County Schools: Moratorium and New School Construction Proposed by County Executive
Due to the extreme over-crowding of schools in the Linganore area, largely a result of the County Council waivers for Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) requirements for development proposed in 2014, Councilman S. McKay has proposed adoption of a temporary 2-year building moratorium for County areas with projected school capacities exceeding 120%, where, in that time a school construction plan would be developed and adopted for remediating the overcapacity situations in our area schools. On implementation of construction remedy, the moratorium would end. Affordable/workforce housing, senior housing, and developments under 50 units would be exempt (

In a direct challenge, County Executive Fitzwater documented her resistance to this approach in a letter ( mment---CM-McKay_Growth-Moratorium-Bill) to the Council as well as proposing $3M supplemental funding to ease overcrowding at Oakdale Elementary School, expanding portable classrooms at the site, and purchasing additional land for schools in the Linganore area (

CRG strongly supports adoption of a variety of strategies to quickly build schools, exemplified by 4 options for school funding noted in our April 2024 newsletter . Using these options, Prince George’s County built 19 schools in 10 years. Might the moratorium be an additional option to build schools, another “tool in the toolbox” for ensuring more seats in classrooms for a County population growth rate that is the highest in Maryland?


County: Solar Farms in County Agricultural Land
On July 16th, the County Council adopted an ordinance allowing construction, operation, and — on completion of power generation — removal of solar farm equipment from farmland in the County ( Long sought by Councilwoman Keegan-Ayer, this is an impressive step in the production of renewable energy in the County while also perpetuating use of the land for farm crop or animal production. An additional ordinance/amendment is likely in August, addressing aspects of land maintenance in the solar farms, i.e., practices to minimize runoff, ensure percolation, trap carbon, and maintain vegetative cover.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

City Planning Commission, August 12, 6 PM, City Hall: Final site plans for the B&O townhomes behind McCutcheon’s and downtown hotel and conference center.
City Mayor and Board of Aldermen Workshop, August 15, 7 PM, City Hall: Approval of resolutions for the Christoff and Winpenny annexations to the City’s boundaries and its infrastructure.
Transmission line informational meeting, August 14, 6–8 PM, virtual: Community webinar hosted by Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSEG). Questions can be posted in advance when you register here.
County Planning Commission, August 21, 9:30 AM, Winchester Hall: Growth/development moratorium.
County Council, August 27, 7 PM, Winchester Hall: Growth/development moratorium.
Data Center Summit, August 29, 8AM–4PM, Frederick Community College: Hosted by the Maryland Tech Council. More info and agenda here.

See the CRG blog at:

Contributors: P. Gallagher, S. Jakubczyk, M. Rosensweig, K. Sellner

CRG is a grassroots coalition of Frederick residents who prioritize responsible growth, expanding infrastructure, and a functional natural environment. We advocate for development that accommodates projected population increases while fostering a strong and diverse community fabric and increasing economic opportunities. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes public safety, traffic mitigation, increasing school capacity, and housing for all members of our community.

Many Frederick residents want to know — but cannot find — information about how to participate in discussions of important local issues. The City and County generally hold meetings from 3–10 p.m., making it impossible for most of us to attend meetings or weigh in on issues of interest. Our mission with this monthly newsletter is to highlight City and County activities so you can learn more and, with your limited time, weigh in on areas of growth and development, City and County policies, and other local activities. Occasionally, opinions or longer stories will be offered by knowledgeable experts/readers. We welcome suggestions for articles focused on specific topics. Contact Kevin Sellner (, Marge Rosensweig (, or Steve Jakubczyk ( for consideration of your issue.
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Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 10 | OCTOBER 7, 2024 test

  VOL. 3, NO. 10  |  OCTOBER 7, 2024 Frederick City and County News of Interest Please join our monthly email list by clicking   here . Lear...