Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 2, NO. 6 | JUNE 6, 2023

Frederick City and County News of Interest

VOL. 2, NO. 6  |  JUNE 6, 2023

CRG is a grassroots coalition of Frederick residents who prioritize responsible growth, expanding infrastructure, and a functional natural environment. We advocate for development that accommodates projected population increases while fostering a strong and diverse community fabric and increasing economic opportunities. Our comprehensive approach emphasizes public safety, traffic mitigation, increasing school capacity, and housing for all members of our community.

To our Readers:
The newsletter is organized with dynamic links so you can click the topics listed here, to connect to the specific topics below. Acronyms are listed below.

Charter Review Process / CRG Forum
City & County Budgets

Brickworks & Maryland Deaf Community Center
Form-Based Code Training Sessions
County Data Centers
Social Media Launch Celebrating One Year Anniversary
Frederick’s Alphabet Soup
Upcoming Events


Charter Review Process / CRG Forum
The City’s Charter Review webpage emphasizes that “public engagement…is essential.” (https://www.cityoffrederickmd.gov/1642/Charter-Review-Public-Engagement). To that end, CRG hosted a backyard forum on May 31st engaging residents from around the City to ensure all perspectives are considered and updating attendees on the purpose of the review (i.e., “…to consider changes in… Elections and Election Administration, Legislative Body and Structure of Government, Charter Sections to be Relocated and Procedural Issues.”).
At the forum, attendees discussed:

  • The importance of updating the City Charter
  • Critical issues under review, including districting, timing of elections, open primaries, non-citizen voting, term limits for elected officials, and a legislative process that clearly defines and separates the executive and legislative branches of City government to ensure overall balance between the two branches.
  • The interplay of NAC revitalization and Charter revision and whether/how NAC “voices” would be a vital part of future City discussions and decision-making

Several committee members and the aldermanic liaison to the committee participated in the forum, providing insight into the opportunities and challenges, and attendees gained a clear understanding of the difficult and intricate decisions and recommendations with which the committee is charged. This task requires partnership, cooperation and input from all (residents, businesspeople, City staff and officials, etc.). We applaud the diligence and the thoroughness of the Committee's efforts so far and encourage everyone to watch their progress closely and keep informed (via the web link above and attending future CRG events). 
This forum was a continuation of candidate forums held over the past two election cycles and introduces our 2023 series focusing on issues of concern to residents, including the Charter Review process. CRG will do all possible to highlight individual Charter topics in the coming months as the Committee approaches their goal of delivering a final report in the Fall. Future events will be publicized in the CRG newsletter and through social media. We welcome your attendance.

City & County Budgets

The City has adopted its 2024 budget and, disappointingly, there was no commitment to construction of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) even with a reserve exceeding $15M. The County has adopted some protections for assistance for senior and veteran homeowners. CRG continues its advocacy for creative (e.g., seed money to leverage other funds) use of City fees in-lieu collected from developers who opt to NOT build affordable/workforce housing and there are rumors of possible City discussions of revising its approach to actually building units. We’ll see…

Brickworks & Maryland Deaf Community Center

It appears there’s little willingness to slow the march forward for development of the Brickworks property at South and East Street, regardless of the pending City considerations for adopting a form-based code for construction in the East Street Corridor. Recent investigations into past use of the properties in brick manufacturing and on-site industry and City waste disposal pose a possibility for at least some City or state examination of future impacts of the brownfield site’s development. A Planning Commission (PC) workshop is scheduled for June 20 at which time the developer is expected to respond to the (February) comments of the PC and Planning Staff. Hopefully, the issue of possible soil contamination will be raised as well.

Further north on the Corridor, owners of the East Street location for the Maryland Deaf Community Center, facing unexpected design expenses for the design and construction of its future community center, will not reconsider a redesign to place parking in the rear of the center that would be consistent with the form-based code designs under review by the City. These two projects, therefore, put a substantial crimp in a consistent form design along the Corridor.

Form-Based Code Training Sessions

The City has scheduled 4 training sessions for the consultant-drafted and City-revised form-based code, beginning with a June 6 session at City Hall at 7 PM. The three remaining sessions are scheduled for June 26, July 11, and July 24. All residents, business owners, and NGO representatives are encouraged to attend to become familiar with a final code’s possibilities that will govern future building designs along the Corridor and perhaps as a model for FBC application in other small area plans.

County Data Centers

Construction of large data centers in the southwest portion of the County near Adamstown is moving forward with the site plan for the first center (Align Data Corporation) accepted by a 4–3 vote of the County Planning Commission. Reticence by many commissioners to the proposed plan was nearly universal but again, as with the recent deliberations on the Gordon Mills development in the Linganore area, members' "hands were tied" to its current decision policies, thwarting serious concerns raised re: stormwater capture, impacts, and treatment.

Another submission is expected in July for Phases 2–4 of the Align data center campus which might increase the number of centers on the site to 4, with additional concerns about stormwater and noise. PC members concluded their discussion and vote with a plea for the County Council to revise stormwater requirements above the decade-old MDE regulations that are ineffective with the new climate-driven intense storm volumes. CRG members and power experts in the community are meeting with County Council members to quickly revise the Critical Data Infrastructure Ordinance (CDI) to address stormwater, energy, noise, and water treatment capacities for best protection of the County’s residents, properties, and natural resources. Whether the needed revisions can be adopted quickly enough remains to be seen. Stay tuned!


Social Media Launch Celebrating CRG's One Year Anniversary

One year after launching our newsletter, News from Your Neighbors, we recognize (from the feedback we have received) that the information we gather and report is important for dialogue and citizen input on issues and challenges. To be sure that everyone who is interested in/concerned about City and County growth can easily access CRG’s information, we are excited to announce our new Facebook Page, the first iteration of our Social Media Launch. This will serve as a hub for discussion, brief updates, mini articles, and meeting schedules/announcements. Following our Facebook, linked below, will make it easy to keep up to date with the actions of City and County governments and identify ways to take part in the deliberations about our community.

Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090933252162

Feel free to message us there directly, and like and share the page! And, keep an eye out for our Instagram, officially launching later this month. To make our Newsletter as accessible as possible, the issues from over the course of our first year are posted on our website.

Read previous issues of this newsletter: responsiblegrowthfrederick.com

Thanks to you, our readers, we are even more dedicated to increasing transparency and dialogue surrounding growth in Frederick. We do this by connecting neighbor to neighbor and reader to reader, bringing these issues to light. Thank you for your ongoing support over the last year; we have been heartened by your reception and are looking forward to creating more opportunities for you to stay informed and connect with your neighbors, across the City and County. 

Subscribe to this newsletter: To help us celebrate one whole year of publication, please share this link with friends and neighbors (or forward this email) to sign up for our FREE newsletter: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PNCA_j_nMpWtYDn6jpR1-rWRnm82IrlH8NuPWGOGA-M/viewform?edit_requested=true

Acronyms -  Frederick’s Alphabet Soup

Acronyms are pervasive in our lives and often annoyingly so. To help keep everyone’s blood pressure down, we thought we would explain some of the more used/useful acronyms that can be found in our newsletters as well as the myriad documents in the world of responsible growth. For a more complete description of the codes/organizations/etc., check out the expanded list on our blog (should be available within weeks). And, if you come across an acronym you think we should post, let us know.

AARCH — African American Resources Cultural and Historical Society
ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed
APFO — Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance
BoA — Board of Aldermen
BoE — Board of Education
BYOB — Bring Your Own Bottle
CCO — Carroll Creek Overlay
CDI — Critical Digital Infrastructure ordinance
DPW — Department of Public Works
DRRA — Developer Rights and Responsibilities Act
EFR — East Frederick Rising
FBC — Form Based Code
FIL — Fee-in-Lieu
FCSO — Frederick County Sheriff’s Office
FPD — Frederick Police Department
HPC — Historic Preservation Commission
HPO — Historic Preservation Overlay
LMC — Land Management Code
MDE — Maryland Department of the Environment
MPDU — Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit
NAC — Neighborhood Advisory Council
PC — Planning Commission
PIL — Payment-in-Lieu
RAB — Restoration Advisory Board
VPRO — Vacant Property Registration Ordinance
ZBA — Zoning Board of Appeals

Upcoming Events

Check these webpages for up-to-date information on upcoming City and County meetings and agendas.
Frederick City: https://cityoffrederickmd.gov/901/Public-Meetings
Frederick County: https://frederickcountymd.gov/calendar.aspx?CID=83

See the CRG blog at: responsiblegrowthfrederick.com

Contributors: M. Currier, S. Jakubczyk, M. Rosensweig, K. Sellner

Many Frederick residents want to know — but cannot find — information about how to participate in discussions of important local issues. The City and County generally hold meetings from 3–10 p.m., making it impossible for most of us to attend meetings or weigh in on issues of interest. Our mission with this monthly newsletter is to highlight City and County activities so you can learn more and, with your limited time, weigh in on areas of growth and development, City and County policies, and other local activities. Occasionally, opinions or longer stories will be offered by knowledgeable experts/readers. We welcome suggestions for articles focused on specific topics. Contact Kevin Sellner (kgsellner@gmail.com), Marge Rosensweig (marjorierosensweig@gmail.com), or Steve Jakubczyk (jakubczyksteven@gmail.com) for consideration of your issue.

Check out our Facebook page!
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Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 8 | AUGUST 11, 2024

Frederick City and County News of Interest VOL. 3, NO. 8  |  AUGUST 11, 2024 Please join our monthly email list by clicking   here . Learn m...